Channel: Phil Town's Rule #1 Investing
Category: Education
Tags: investing 101motley foolwhere to invest moneysaving vs investinginvesting in stocksstock marketphil townwarren buffetthow to invest moneyinvesting tipssaving or investingsavingsaving vs. investinghow to investdave ramseysaving money tipsinvestinglearn to investrule one investingrule #1
Description: When you get a new paycheck it’s hard to know what to do: do you save or invest it? Saving can be a great option, but you could be losing money in the long run. In this video, I want to share key tips so you can make the right choice and put your money in the right place. Are you new to investing? Set yourself up for success by joining my FREE webinar to learn how to navigate the investing waters. Click the link above to save your seat! #investingtips #savingvsinvesting _____________ Timestamps: 00:00 - Intro 01:48 - The difference between investing and saving 04:36 - Why you should invest 05:51 - Question _____________ Learn more: Subscribe to my channel for free stuff, tips and more! YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Pinterest: LinkedIn: Blog: Podcast: Buy my bestselling book Rule #1: Shopping through my Amazon link is one of the best ways to support my YouTube channel! saving vs investing, investing tips, investing 101, how to save money, stock market, how to invest, how to not lose money, where to invest my money